Free Online Harmony Classes with live instructors | learnfromhome
Would you like to help your children express themselves freely and more creatively, and find and resonate with their own gifts while allowing them to be excited about learning for their whole lifetime?
We're excited to launch online classes on Sound, Music, Geometry, and Vibration for kids 3-6 years old.




Maria Montessori Basic Premises

The goal of early childhood education should be to activate the child’s own natural desire to learn.” ~ Maria Montessori

Every exercise in this curriculum is corroborated by current scientific research in neuroscience and child development – particularly as pertains to brain development at critical stages.

Basis of How Vibration works in Universe and the Human System (Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, and Spiritually)

Vibration is the most basic component of all levels of reality. Everything is vibration: sound, color, light, geometry, color, and the quantum world – thoughts, emotions, and spirit. These laws thus affect everything.

18 Years of Research and Instruction in a California State Approved College with 20 instructors.

“The ultimate gift we can give the world is to grow our tiny humans into adult humans who are independent thinkers, compassionate doers, conscious questioners, radical innovators, and passionate peacemakers. Our world doesn’t need more adults who blindly serve the powerful because they’ve been trained to obey authority without question. Our world needs more adults who challenge and question and hold the powerful accountable.” ~ L.R. Knost

Children and students are subject to a variety of pressures, ranging from parental, academic, societal to cultural. To these, the last ten years have added other forms of stress from new technologies, excessive screen time, as well as increased exposure to negative and violent content.

All of these stressors are resulting in behavioral, social and academic dysfunction.

All of these stressors create chaotic vibrations in children and students. 

To help reverse this trend, this curriculum has been designed to provide coherent, stable vibrations that create peace physically, mentally and emotionally.  



– Physical peace creates better health and aids in development of good motor coordination

– Mental peace creates better focus and concentration

– Emotional peace creates more emotional stability

 All of these result in more harmonious relationships.


Understanding Based on Experience

The whole program has a basis in the underlying physics and mathematics of how vibration works in the universe from the structure and movement of the galaxies down to the cellular level within the body — from Neutonian physics to quantum mechanics.  

 The curriculum has been designed so that it is coherently progressive over the years. Every exercise that the children perform in the younger years forms the basis for later understanding of the mechanisms of what was experienced.  They learn why the exercises were implemented and the underlying physics as to how they work to create their effects and benefits.  Now it all makes sense.  

 This understanding of the mechanisms of how nature and vibration work are key to creative application of these concepts in: 

This all leads to healthy social and emotional skills, and heightened creativity within successful and fulfilling careers.

Connection to the Ways of Nature

Basing all of the exercises on the laws of nature provides a connection that makes each exercise have more meaning.  

 Each exercise has a clear goal as to why it is important to learn:


When a teacher is more clear on why something is being taught their focus and enthusiasm creates more engagement and interest for the children.  


Learning that is a Blast

There is nothing more important than to inspire a child to want to learn. A key component of this curriculum has been to make every exercise a joy to experience. 

Not only is this inspiring for the children, it is healthier for the teachers. When the teacher is also enjoying the exercise, it creates the ideal learning environment where learning is truly a blast… and children can’t wait to go to school the next day.

All of this enthusiasm even spills over into the home where the parents start to feel the effects themselves.   


“It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.” ~ Albert Einstein



Curriculum Benefits and Learning Outcomes 

“By education I mean an all-round drawing out of the best in the child and man; body, mind and spirit.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi’

Below is a short list of learning outcomes. A more detailed list can be found HERE.

There is also a document HERE, “Research and Assumptions,” that includes more detail on how the curriculum creates each outcome.  It also includes references to the research and assumptions from the current books on learning development at each age group.

Overall Stability and Coherence

“In this modern world where activity is stressed to the point of mania, quietness as a childhood need is too often overlooked.” ~ Margaret Wise Brown

Physical Connection

“The highest education is that which does not merely give us information but makes our life in harmony with all existence.” ~ Rabindranath Tagore

Emotional / Social Connection

“With children, it is the joint moments of delight that build the social brain.”  ~ Mariah Moser

Mental Connections

Do not train children to learn by force and harshness, but direct them to it by what amuses their minds,
so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each.” ~ Plato

Technical Capacity

“The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.” ~ Albert Einstein


The younger years are all experiential.  
The older years are about understanding and utilizing what they experienced in the younger years.

If not starting from the beginning (as a baby) the experiental exercises are incorporated and age appropriate.


Rollover with your Mouse to see Detailed Information

The basis of how it all works at all levels of reality. Each child eventually builds his own instrument.

Experiencing all Sounds as a way of building the widest neuropathways in the brain as possible, and as a way of understanding different cultures.

Not in order to be a musician, but as a way of understanding the Universe and the body Physically, Mentally, Emotionally and Spiritually.

Understanding the archetypal geometrical patterns that make up all aspects of nature and the body and Spirit.

How to express one’s self with sound and the voice as we once did perfectly as babies.  

Yes.  Then you can practice and play with the exercises later with your child — or by yourself :-).

No.  The truth is all of us sing as we speak.  That’s all they need.

We have studied the top 30 books on brain development for children at different ages.  Every exercise is based on this information and is referenced.  There is also now a large amount of research around how sound affects us at all levels of reality.

Sound Healing is the study of how sound and vibration affects us physically, mentally, emotionally and Spiritually.  The term Healing is misnomer.  It is used for healing but also for accessing higher and more stable states of consciousness, as well as for better sleep, creativity, focus and to overcome ADD/ADHD.

Please let us know and we will try and refine the exercises.  

Just a little bit collecting the materials and getting ready to do the exercise.  From there it is a whole lot of fun!

Yes.  We send the recordings out within a week.

We offer classes and even a full Certificate Program for parents if you might be interested. 

Mondays, Wednesdays, Saturdays
10AM Pacific Time (45 minutes to an hour)
February 21st through April 9th